Scare Yourself!

We’re often harsh on ourselves. At some point or other I’m sure it’s happened to you. Obsessed with success. Never quite where we want to be. Always striving to be better.

But think back to January.

Looking back on this year thus far, what small steps have you made that are worth celebrating?

I started the year lacking enthusiasm for cycling. I didn’t cycle. I was scared of it. Beyond scared, terrified! Scared of the traffic, scared of what people thought of me, doubtful of my own cycling abilities, I was convinced cycling just wasn’t for me.

I could have let fear hold me back. But something happened.

I felt the fear….and did it anyway!

I started off with small baby steps (or baby cycles if you will). A 10 minute cycle in the park close to my house. I branched out to the street. Only to peddle as fast as my legs would carry me, back home.

Too much for my nerves.

But it was a start.

Those small cycles on the street became longer. It didn’t happen overnight but I stuck with it, getting out on my bike several times a week.

Then I decided to cycle to work….in the centre of Glasgow. DUN DUN DUNNNNN!

It was terrifying. I wasn’t sure what paths I would take to get me there. I was scared. I was unsure. But I stuck with it.

I felt the fear, and did it anyway.

And you know what? It felt good. The wind in my hair, the blood pumping through my veins. My wee legs pedalled me to work and back. I’d overcome my fear. And in doing so even managed to get twice my recommended daily exercise in the process!

So it’s now approaching the end of July.

Those small, insignificant steps built up consistently over time have taken me from the scaredy-cat I was to commuting almost everywhere on my bike today.

Handle Bars and a section of the cross bar of a bike against grey tarmac. Text reads Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Am I the best cyclist on the planet? Absolutely not. Am I fast? Not really. But to go from nothing to where I am now, to me personally, is a huge milestone.

It’s a personal victory. For me it’s HUGE!

So take the time today to celebrate those mini victories you’ve created by overcoming fear, negativity and barriers in your life. Be proud of what you’ve achieved!

And it’s only July!


‘Tis The Season to De-frazzle


All Things Yoga